Our playgroup

Koolunga Primary Playgroup

The Koolunga Primary Playgroup meets every Friday at the school from 9am to 11am.

The playgroup welcomes all parents, caregivers and children from birth to 5 years of age. It provides a play-based learning program in a relaxed and welcoming environment coordinated by Koolunga Parents.

The Koolunga Primary Playgroup:

  • is inclusive and welcoming
  • has excellent grounds, resources and play opportunities that include sensory play and exploration
  • holds excursions to places like play cafes, performances, and shows
  • encourages play, sharing, safe risk taking, bikes, scooters, painting and craft
  • allows children to develop ‘school readiness’ routines and social skills
  • provides social networks for young families
  • is sometimes visited by CAFS nurses
  • is a transition consideration for Koolunga Primary School.